Tuesday 8 January 2013

Poetic Possibilities !!

well the way that mr charles explained this to us was that its like a thought that just hits you about something completely  irrelevant to wat you are doing in the moment and that happened me a couple of times but this special time is the time i recall

i was in Mumbai , India and on the side of the streets there were these booths where people sell beautiful artifacts , carved wooden and stone animals with different patterns, and A LOT of beautiful things that reflect the Indian culture.
and one specifically caught my eyes , it was carved wooden monkeys, see no evil hear no evil say no evil monkeys and i just fell inlove with it and had to buy it and as was just staring at  it and the first thought that popped into my head was ,,, I WANT TO DRAW THIS . i just loved the lines the details and felt like a really artistic person did this and that i'll become a better artist just by drawing it..... and i did :-D

the wooden monkeys

                                                                            my drawing

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