Saturday 12 January 2013


the first thought that would pop into people's heads when they hear this word would be machines, metal, screws, movement....or something that looks a bit like this

but as i googled it i found out its not really all about machinery , it is kind of how things work together to give an out put . yes it is mostly used when talking about machines...but can also be used when talking about humans, society, work.
— n
1.a system or structure of moving parts that performs some function, esp in a machine
2.something resembling a machine in the arrangement and working of its parts: the mechanism of the ear
3.any form of mechanical device or any part of such a device
4.a process or technique, esp of execution: the mechanism of novel writing
 a. the doctrine that human action can be explained in purely physical terms, whether mechanical orbiological
 b. the explanation of phenomena in causal rather than teleological or essentialist terms
 c. the view that the task of science is to seek such explanations
 d. dynamism Compare vitalism strict determinism
 a. the ways in which psychological forces interact and operate
 b. a structure having an influence on the behaviour of a person, such as a defence mechanism

so a perfect example of mechanism in humans would be the mechanism of walking


this picture shows the study of the joins in the body and how they move when we walk ...wat actually enables us to be able to get on our two feet and walk ..balanced with out falling :-)

Thursday 10 January 2013

Intellectual Food

honestly for this topic i got confused i literally had no idea what to talk about first... intellectual food....hmmmmm if an example of that is hot dogs then the first thing that popped into my head is FRENCH FRIES !! french fries are potatoes chopped up in a  a certain way and fried in oil...even tho yes they actually originated from France ...these days no body actually knows that i think this generation things Mc Donald's came up with them :-P so its a now famous american junk food ...but the credit goes to the French and the name will always say it :)

funny pictures below i just had to share them :D

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Dream ?? or a nightmare instead

dreams complete life , if you work hard you could actually make them happen. sometimes i feel that dreams are just our inner thoughts and desires screaming out at us when we r sleeping. sometimes i believe they r just repeated scenes of our everyday life, or sometimes just random thoughts combined.. that's why sometimes dreams are just weird :-P

 but what about those nightmares ? what triggers them? what makes a person have a nightmare? inner fears ? negative thoughts? horror movies?? to be honest it has been a while since i had a nightmare... but i had one many hears ago and it still haunts me ..

I think I was seven years old at the time.. my nightmare started as a cute dream before it took a wrong turn, 

so it starts out with me in the park with my mom and sisters running around riding my bicycle , having fun in the fresh air, and then i find my self in front of a little grocery store and i go in to get some snacks i have always had a sweet tooth , so the man working there hands me my things and as I'm about to walk out he blocks my way i scream for him to let me go and i could see my mom waiting for me outside from the store's window but she couldn't hear me , and before i know it the man lifts me up in the air takes out a knife from his pocket and just as he is about to stab me in my stomach I wake up scared out of my mind and out of breath ....

so was that my inner fears talking to me? who knows ,,,, what ever it is it was a reminder to be careful and never go to places that might have potential psycho men that like to kill kids alone...

Music Video

this is the link to our music video , i teamed up with jessica, spencer and vee :-)

our object was paint , and we decided to just get messy with it :-P


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Poetic Possibilities !!

well the way that mr charles explained this to us was that its like a thought that just hits you about something completely  irrelevant to wat you are doing in the moment and that happened me a couple of times but this special time is the time i recall

i was in Mumbai , India and on the side of the streets there were these booths where people sell beautiful artifacts , carved wooden and stone animals with different patterns, and A LOT of beautiful things that reflect the Indian culture.
and one specifically caught my eyes , it was carved wooden monkeys, see no evil hear no evil say no evil monkeys and i just fell inlove with it and had to buy it and as was just staring at  it and the first thought that popped into my head was ,,, I WANT TO DRAW THIS . i just loved the lines the details and felt like a really artistic person did this and that i'll become a better artist just by drawing it..... and i did :-D

the wooden monkeys

                                                                            my drawing

Monday 7 January 2013


What is metamorphasis???

well this is what google told me


met·a·mor·pho·ses  [-seez] 

Biology a profound change in form from one stage to the nextin the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to thepupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly. Comparecomplete metamorphosis.
a complete change of form, structure, or substance, astransformation by magic or witchcraft.
any complete change in appearance, character, circumstances,etc.
a form resulting from any such change.

 so basically it is a change in form , shape , state of a species over time.

and this is very common in our world whether its in us humans or animals or insects.

and the most common and beautiful example of that is the metamorphosis of a butterfly

from egg to larvae to a cacoon and then emerges a full grown beautiful butterfly :-)

Who am I??

when asked to actually write about that i honestly got confused, how will I present my self??
what do I relate to? which animal do I relate to? or element??
 after much thought i decided that I was an artistic rabbit :-)

that is the was i see myself as ... i don't know why i relate to rabbits , maybe because they are harmless and fuzzy and jumpy , and really fast on their feet. and that how i am usually when it come to certain situations, i get an adrenaline rush and wiggle my way out :)

and the artistic part its pretty obvious i love art and anything that has to do with art.

so that's why i am an ARTISTIC RABBIT